
Dental Implants

Dental implants are a permanent and appealing solution to replace missing or extracted teeth. They are better than other alternatives like bridges because no additional teeth need to be altered to place the new tooth.

The entire implant process is performed over the course of a few months. The first part of the process is to install the implant itself, where a screw is placed into the jaw bone. An incision is made in the gum so that the implant can be inserted. Multiple implants can be placed at once if necessary. After the implants are placed the gums are sutured.

The implant must be allowed about 3-6 months to heal, and during this time the jaw bone will form around the implant in a process called osseointegration. During this healing time you can have temporary crowns installed so that you can eat and speak normally and maintain a proper aesthetic appearance for your smile.

After the implant has healed it is time to place an abutment on the implant. The abutment serves as the base for your new tooth. One this is placed an impression of the abutment is taken and is used to create your permanent restoration. Some offices have an onsite lab to create the crown, but others will have to send it to an outside lab. Once the restoration is completed you can return to the office to attach the restoration permanently. Your smile will look just like it used to, and after a short period of getting used to the implant it will feel just like one of your own teeth.

Our Best Dental Services

Our Best Dental Services


Bonding/White Fillings

Bonding is a popular method to enhance the aesthetics of your smile. Bonding can be used to correct cracks or gaps in teeth, as a filling after a cavity has been removed, or to cover up stains or discolored teeth.



Dental bridges are a great way to replace missing teeth.Bridges are made from gold, metal, alloys, or porcelain to ensure that they are strong and durable.



Dental crowns are caps placed on top of damaged teeth. Crowns are used to protect, cover and restore the shape of your teeth when fillings don’t solve the problem.


Hygiene/Periodontal Health

We can provide periodontal cleanings and treatment, or refer you to one of our recommended specialists. Please let us know if you have any questions.


Teeth Whitening

Teeth whitening is an excellent way to restore the natural color of your teeth or even make them whiter than your natural color if you would like.



Dental veneers are thin, tooth-colored shells that are attached to the front surface of teeth to improve their appearance.